Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy V-Day! An early gift for you: Flanders article on "why murder is a spectator sport."

As my VIEW changes, due to the move - due to the flooding - I am once again short on space, and face time with my pc. No time to whine, or ramble, as I have no time to kill.

Today I offer you, instead, a link to an article on murder, and story. I found it terribly inspiring.

One of my New year's resolutions is to think less; ACT more. 

I.e., Note really think less. Analyze less. Obssess less. Use what I know. Explore what I don't.
You know, SHIP more. 

If the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, then I expect that reading this will inspire someone to write. That is, put fingers on the keyboard and type.

Hey - What do you know- I was right!  

In her article, Judith Flanders waxes poetic on why some stories are inherently more interesting than others. "Murder, at a distance," she writes, is "a spectator sport."

If you were diligent - or just plain curious- enough to follow me here, then I hope you, too will find it inspiring enough to act as well. Then both our efforts will be rewarded. How cool would that be?

by Judith Flanders

Happy reading!


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