Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thoughts from The Boss

I was up late one night, busting up rocks on a scene. I had worked well past exhaustion, so blocked creatively that I was ready to hang it up. Just then I caught a bit of an interview on late night TV with Springsteen, reminiscing on the tumultuous period following the runaway success of Born to Run.

After an ugly split with his management, he holed up with his band mates, pondering: "What if this is the last record I get to make?"

The result? The shirtless all night songwriting/jam session that produced Darkness on the Edge of Town!

Since then, I have kept this affirmation taped under the glass on my desk: "This might be the last time I get to do this."

For an entrepreneur like me, this is powerful language. I'm a self starter by nature; still, some days end before I can reach the end of my to-do list.

The Bottom Line: Springsteen’s sentiment never fails to remind me that serving others - my clients or my team- is a privilege. Following world events of late, The Boss' message is as timely today as it was back then: Get busy producing yourself. Time's a’wastin’…

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